Listen, Read, Interact

An interactive podcast for Spanish learners

We know that “comprehensible input” is the driving force behind language acquisition. The more you hear and read comprehensible language, the more opportunities your brain has to subconsciously process that input. This processed input is called “intake” — language that is ready to be acquired.

Once at the intake stage, the brain either will or won’t acquire it, based on its own opaque criteria. It’s a bit of a black box, and we have limited understanding of what is happening at that stage.

Nevertheless, the takeaway is clear. For the fastest results, your goal as a language learner is to get to the intake phase as often as possible. For the more often your reach intake, the more language you will acquire.

Interaction, while not essential to picking up Spanish, ensures that the internal processing has taken place.

Listen, Read, Interact. On repeat. Over and over and over.

Where to Listen

Apple Podcasts Podcasting 2.0

Andrew J. Snider

Andrew is a husband, father, Spanish professor, author, entrepreneur, and avid language learner. Read more about what he has to say.
